Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Starting was Sivik, and teacher was talking at the front there as usual, laughter were issued from the back when some of the Damai-ans were supposed to read a passage from the book.
EST teacher gave back our papers, I hope all of the Damai-ans passed and had gotten good grades...
Add Maths teacher changed already, now it's Cik Noridayu. Surprisingly our class were really quiet. Pin drop silence.
Fine I exaggerated it, it's still pretty quiet compare to the time when she taught us BM and Maths.
An improvement!
At Phy, Pn Jegatheswari was telling us all about the Carnival Day, and in total we have to pay RM 70.
Not very likely is it? Which is why some of the Damai-ans were chanting and protesting : We won't pay DOT We won't pay DOT.
On the other hand, SF had brought his camera to school , which means we're going to post the shots we took here. Stay tune for it!
Maths teacher were kind enough not to give us any homework, so we were lucky.
BM teacher got emo suddenly and started scolding the Damai-ans. Why la?
That's all for today folks!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today............The day before tomorrow.....
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Regarding New Timetable~
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
"Rilek la"
We should be very thankful for Pn. Sujatha for being so linient with our marks.. If we had Pn. Jothy, I bet 80% of the class would phail moral.. Tugasan harian is on people, get it done =)..
Later during Sejarah period.. I went 'offline'.. So did Schaun I guess.. Some retards cellophone taped his shoes together..or thats what I heard.. While I was offlining, Zhe Shyi tried to unlace my shoes and tangle my 2 shoes punya shoelaces together.. Lucky I could feel the laces pulling apart.. I stepped on his hand in the process.. (haha)..
Apa pulak Pn. Then Moli got come.. Me and Zach came in late to bio lab.. Bio results were out.. Many passed.. Thankfully.. Finally was add maths period.. Pn. Suhaili would be here for the final week.. Next week onwards our add maths teacher would be replaced with Pn. Noridayu. (wtf she taught us 1st bm, 2nd maths, soon add maths..) I suggess tomorrow, we each bring a gift for Pn. Suhaili. Saying how much we thank her for her lessons, apologise for being so noisy and irritated her, and lastly, how much you would miss her teaching you.. After all, she indeed is a nice teacher, ain't she?..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thrice We Change, Thrice We Despair
So! Second day of the week, still see some panda eyes among the Damai-ans. I guess you all haven't adjusted yet right?
Supposedly having Eng at first, but our sweet form teacher came in and discussed about the Carnival Day for our school.
Therefore down goes our chance of getting out Eng paper back.
And Phy!! And Chem!! The horror!!! You can practically hear screams and shouts from our domain when we get back out papers. I guess Pn. Jega is having a fine time scolding us for our "good" result in Phy.
And after recess you can see some of the Damai-ans were wearing their Unit Uniform for the photo taking session. Later on if I were not mistaken, you guys went to the library for BM.
Sorry I told you guys I wasn't in class half the time...
After BM was Maths, and there came a bad news.
We're changing our timetable, for the third time of the year. Some of our teachers were chaning too, and some are good, some are bad. Some, remain, as usual.
Maths also we get back our papers, poor Cik Noridayu, she was hidden from view as the Damai-ans went over to her and started waving their papers about and shouting.
All in all, it was a hectic day, now for tomorrow, we're going to face Eng, hopefully XD
p.s. If anyone hasn't get their new timetable pls do so with High Yoong
Miss Leong's Day
Another quiet 4 Damai-ans which preferred to sit quietly in class rather than joining the noisy crowd in the middle of the domain.
I hope you have a great year with us Sook Yin! Don't be afraid to voice out sometimes, all right =D
And of course I hope you loved the birthday song that we sang to you today, sweeeeet!!
Stay happy!
Monday, June 15, 2009
BACK To SChool.....
Earlier today during Assembly, The teachers and the headmaster cant speak properly.... Thanks to the Microphone a.k.a Mic. Guess the mic is still on its holiday mood and refuse to obey its owner.
And its up to our MIKE to fix the MIC..... hehe
So,the day starts with moral......which is damn POTONG STIM ,that Mrs.Sujatha din't give us back our moral papers and i suppose the Pen.Islam paper are not returned also....aite???
Then, High Yoong sp(took a deep breath):
EVERYONE! Get ur ass off the chair and head to the Hall!!!
We're taking our class photo of the year!!!
ShiHui roar:Nice 1 la!!!What a good timing......
Thus,everyone rush to the hall like a swarm of desperate bee's.After we reach the hall,it was so crowded. Shi hui(Napoleon Bonaparte) which is ''low'' stood up gasping for air......
Just a few minute before a shot, the 'gentleboy' of our class were comparing each other height.
ZenZuan: Eh?I din't know I'm taller than Leon.
Leon: Lan si la now.
Zhe Shyi:Both shut up,i tallest =D
Schaun:I taller la, Go get ur big mac la... ZheShyi.
Ganesha:You two are liked twin tower zzz,NVM! ITS OK!!
Zheshyi and Schaun:We know u jealous......... KL TOWER~~(burst into laughter)
(suddenly)Sean: Shee Foong,u taller or i taller?we looked the same..hmm
SF:Aiya,of course I tall la.....
Joshua explained:Guys,it doesnt really matter la.... as long as
(Josh turned his head and laugh at the girls).
Narrator: BO PIEN
Then the photo session started with a shot of formal looks first.....
Most of the guys rampage to the frontline and gave out different kind of poses.....
Ring.......(RECESS OVER)
Bio .. Bio...Bio....
The Damai-ans were waiting desperately for the paper.... And Mrs.ThenMoli grant their wish.
The papers returned to everyone. Some accept it with a delighted smile,some with despair.....
A subject where most of the Damai-ans don't have high expectations on it....
So, everyone is happy when they passed..... =D....( I FAILED T.T)
Add math...... the hardest subject of all time..... Everyone put effort on this misery subject...
And it worked out nicely..... Leon scored an super A1 with the highest marks among all Damai-ans.(I FAILED T.T)
After that.... the bell rang again and ''today'' end..... Bringing good news and bad news home...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Miss Lai's Day
Oh! Picture of course, presenting...

Ahahaha, that's the only solo picture I had for this June princess...
EDIT: Sorry, I had to change the picture cause this princess requested it... So yeah the one on the right is Suet Yee!
Came in late into our Damai-ans domain, but had quickly gained all the Damai-ans attention with her soft spoken nature.
Sweet!! I hope you really make full use of this year!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Mr. Yong's Day
Bet you all guessed who izit we're talking about already right?
Yeap, presenting...

A very vain Damai-an whose too straight forward attitude had offended his own people... But still funny in times and likable by some of us!
May your 16th year be sweet... (of course it is, how can it be sweet without us? XD)
But don't spread your perasan-ness around! ^.<
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mr. Tan's Day
Sorry, crapping.
*drum rolls**throws confetti*
Okay I don't have his picture, you can refer to the side <<<<< and see his macho pic.
He'd probably say what he always says...
16 is the legal age in Japan! (And I meant literally always)
4 Damai-ans wish you a sweet sixteen year, make it sweeter by going crazy!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
tugasan harian 3 / 4
Tugasan harian 3 and 4
Tajuk : Perjalanan penglibatan saya dalam melaksanakan kerja amal 3 / 4
Cth : mengitar semula bahan buangan
Tulis esei (5 perenggan)
Perenggan 1 – Pengenalan – apa yang anda sedang buat (beberapa ayat)
Perenggan 2 – Apa yang anda buat (persediaan)
Perenggan 3 – Cabaran / Halangan dan bagaimana anda mengatasinya
Perenggan 4 – kesan dan nilai yang anda amalkan – contoh : insaf, kesediaan, iktibar, perubahan sikap
Perenggan 5 – penutup – Perasaan anda, cadangan, pendapat…
kerja amal 4
1st page :
Bidang : Perkembangan diri
Tajuk : -menjalankan tugas sebagai Pengawas sekolah
-menjalankan tugas sebagau ketua pasukan kadet bomba
Penganjur : SMK Seafield
Tarikh : Tempoh ahil (2007-2009)
Masa : Sepanjang waktu persekolahan
Tempat : Sekolah, pusat sumber
Matlamat : Melahirkan murid yang bertanggungjawab dan prihatin terhadap alam sekitar.
2nd page :
Objektif :
1. Memupuk ciri-ciri kepimpinan dan toleransi agar pelajar dapat memikul dan melaksanakan tugas dengan sempurna
2. memupuk ciri-ciri kerajinan dan kerjasama di kalangan pelajar
3. mempunyai iltizam untuk mengamalkan perlakuan yang bermoral selaras dangan nilai-nilai murni masyarakat.
4. menyembangkan pemikiran yang bermatang agar pelajar dapat menyumbang ke arah keharmonian masyarakat.
3rd page :
Perjalanan projek / Peranan saya dalam usaha mengitar semula
Contoh :
Saya bersama adik telah menonton rancangan tentang mengitar semula dan menyedari kebaikanya lalu kami bercadang mengumpul bahan buangan di rumah kami untuk dikitar semula.
( Jangan lebih 5 ayat)
4th page :
Kesan yang diperolehi :
Contoh :
Hasil akativiti telah menjadikan persekitaran rumah/sekolah saya lebih selesa dan kemas ………………………………………..
5th page :
-sertakan 4 gambar dan labelkan
-sijil pengakuan (salinan)(kalau ada)
kerja amal 3 (moral students only)
Tajuk : Mengitar semula
Penganjur : cth : ibu bapa/ persatuan 5R
Tarikh :
Masa :
Tempat :
Matlamat : Melahirkan murid yang bertanggungjawab dan prihatin terhadap alam sekitar.
2nd page :
Objektif :
- Menyedari akan kepentingan kebersihan alam sekeliling.
- Memupuk semangat kerja sama untuk menjaga alam sekililing.
- Prihatin akan usaha mengitar semula untuk kepentingan sejagat.
- Menyokong usaha yang dijalankan oleh Persatuan __________ untuk mengitar semula
Perjalanan projek / Peranan saya dalam usaha mengitar semula
Contoh :
Saya bersama adik telah menonton rancangan tentang mengitar semula dan menyedari kebaikanya lalu kami bercadang mengumpul bahan buangan di rumah kami untuk dikitar semula.
( Jangan lebih 5 ayat)
Kesan yang diperolehi :
Contoh :
Hasil akativiti telah menjadikan persekitaran rumah/sekolah saya lebih selesa dan kemas ………………………………………..
-sertakan 4 gambar dan labelkan
-sijil pengakuan (salinan)(kalau ada)
*** Kriteria yang guru akan cari dalam keseluruhan kerja amal / tugasan harian anda ialah